Marts Pujats
(Lettonie, 1982)

La Poésie en ce temps
Qui nous sommes
Une asbl, pour quoi faire ?
31 mars - 2 avril 2017
15-17 avril 2016
24-26 avril 2015
25-27 avril 2014
12-14 avril 2013
20-22 avril 2012
01-03 avril 2011
23-25 avril 2010
24-26 avril 2009
11 mars 2009
18-20 avril 2008


MARTS PUJĀTS was born in 1982 in Ikšķile. Having received a rigorous musical training at Riga’s famous Dom Choir School where he was considered to be an exceptionally talented musician, he has been earning his living in advertising and working on his poetry. Pujāts made his debut as a poet in 1998 and has since published three books of poetry: Tuk tuk par sevi (Knock Knock about Myself, 2000), Mūsu dziesma (Our Song, 2006) and the highly acclaimed collection Nāk gaismā pati lampa (The Lamp Itself Will Come to Light, 2013). His poetry has also been translated into several languages, including a book Two-Star Churches published in Russian in 2005 and a section in the anthology Six Latvian Poets in English (Arc Publications, 2011).


Man zvanīja režisors,
Kurš vēloties parādīt saviem studentiem dzīvu dzejnieku mācību nolūkos.

Jau reiz tiku rādīts studentiem,
Kad mani kā divus mēnešus vecu, zilu zīdaini operēja.

Tagad pasakiet, vai šeit ir velkamas kādas paralēles,
Vai, vēl ļaunāk, koncentriski apļi.

A theater director called me up
He wanted to show his students a living poet
for education purposes.

Once I’ve already been shown to students
When I was operated on as a blue two-month-old.

So tell me, should any parallels be drawn here
Or, even worse, concentric circles.

(Traduit du letton par Leva Lešinska)